She is very friendly dog and she is brilliant watchdog. She loves walking and loves playing ⚽️
American pocket bullys puppys for sale. All puppys have Vaccination, Unwormed, Chipped. Mother and Dad ABKC registered. Dogs is Very friendly and best inteligent. Pure Pedigree. Call 0832041618
Breed: Doberman Temperament: Affectionate, Loyal, Intelligent. Dogs for sale: 2 Males, 8 Females Is Wormed: Yes Is Vaccinated: Yes Is Neutered: No
Louis is a cross between a border Collie and a Dalmatian. He is stunning and very majestic. He looks like a border collie with spotty legs . He has the softest fur and is a lovely dog .
Frank is an 8 month old collie cross who due to unforseen circumstances we are looking to rehome.
4 female puppies . Affectionate friendly great addition to someones home.
Microchipped, vaccinated, wormed, Fido and IKC registered,vet checked and healthy
Two female pomeranian puppies, 2 months old, funny and tiny
Although there is no such thing as a 100-percent hypoallergenic dog, the American hairless terrier can be a great choice for allergy sufferers. The only hair you'll find on them is their eyebrows and
We have 2 beautiful Shih Txu / Bichion Puppies for sale Puppies are microchipped vaccinated wormed vet checked with all certs please call 0894916261 for more information Please no tex message
5 month old Irish doddle looking for a new home brilliant with kids and other dogs and has had all vaccines
Amazing quality pups for sale, outstanding tested parents. Father is 50 cent lilac tan fluffy carrier, mother is Picasso daughter lilac tan merle
Dogue de Bordeaux puppies for sale
Beautiful puppies for sale. Parents are family pets and registered by EAB Kennel Club. Puppies have grown up around children so are very familiar.
We have a beautiful litter of purebred Siberian Husky puppies who are now looking for their new loving homes.